Wait, sidenote. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMYYYYY!!!!!! I’m sad I missed your 50th, but it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. I hope you remember that you are still young and vibrantly beautiful! :)
Thursday, we had an ecology field trip to the Waverley Cemetery between Bondi and Coogee beaches. We took a nice coastal walk to the cemetery, where we collected data from gravestones. We were relieved for the rest of the day, so we headed to Bondi Beach where I frolicked in the water, then enjoyed a scrumptious happy-hour meal and sangria at Mocean, yet again.
That night, Aerin and I had a nice date at the Sydney Opera House to see La Traviata, and it was AMAZING! This city is incredibly nice to their poor students; there are student tickets for everything. Not only did we score $270 tickets for $55, they were awesome seats right in the middle, fairly close to the stage, but not so close that we had to strain our neck to see the translations. The story was overwhelming (I tend to get emotional), but beautiful, the sets were amazing, and the singers had incredible voices, especially Violetta, the lead female role. I hit the sack fairly early, since I had to get up around 6 the next morning.
I organized a crash PADI dive course for 5 of us to get certified before heading off to Heron Island. So Friday, we had a pool session and our first open-water dive at the reef off the coast. No, we had not had any formal training yet! I don’t know how the instructors managed to teach us that day, but we had fun! We took a nap after returning, with intentions of going out after dinner. Exhausted from diving, we decided a night in sounded more appealing.
Saturday, the gay and lesbian mardi gras parade took place. Apparently, it’s the largest gay and lesbian event in the world. Our hotel was the staging area for some of the parade and sat amidst all the partying. We got to see the entire parade hanging out right in front of the hotel. Needless to say, this city was pretty ridiculous for a weekend. I’ll spare you the pictures from that one… I think I’ve seen enough scantily clad men and women to last me a lifetime.
Sunday was a fairly lazy day. After sleeping in, Aerin and I managed to score 2 raffle tickets to see Wicked from the front row! The musical was hilarious and entertaining throughout. (Did I mention that Fiero was dreamy?!)
Monday, we took a field trip to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Museum in Newtown. It housed a lot of really old medical devices (scary what used to be the norm!) and a display of about 25 pacemakers, showing the progression to the present-day form.
All in all, a great first week of fun with great weather!
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